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How to run Downloader from command line?

If your install folder is "C:\allmapsoft\geid", you can use the followed command to lauch it automatically:

C:\allmapsoft\geid\downloader.exe para1 para2 para3 para4 para5 para6 para7 para8 [para9]

para1: task name
para2: zoom level from
para3: zoom level to
para4: left longitude
para5: right longitude
para6: top latitude
para7: bottom latitude
para8: path to save
para9: historical images date (Optional, if you want to download historial images, please use this parameter.)

For example:

If you want to download an area:

task name=test.geid;
path to save=C:\downloads

Then the command line should be:

"c:\allmapsoft\geid\downloader.exe" "test.geid" 9 12 2 3 49 48 "c:\downloads"

For historical images, you need to set images date, for example:

"c:\allmapsoft\geid\downloader.exe" "testhistory.geid" 9 12 2 3 49 48 "c:\downloads" "2012-12-31"

When task finished, the downloader will be automatically closed.

How to run Combiner from command line?

After downloading, you can also run combiner.exe from command line mode:

"C:\allmapsoft\geid\combiner.exe" para1 para2 para3

para1:task name(full path)
para2:zoom level that you want to combined
para3:output types(separated with comma)

Example 1:

"C:\allmapsoft\geid\combiner.exe" "C:\downloads\test.geid" 11 jpg,png,tif

Example 2:

"C:\allmapsoft\geid\combiner.exe" "C:\downloads\test.geid" 11 jpg,png,tif,rep

The "rep" means reprojection.

When task finished, the combiner will be automatically closed.

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