How to download
How to download customized google maps
How to download customized bing maps
How to download Cumtom Map Type
How to view downloaded maps
How to combine small images into one big map
Some problems when downloading
How to export tiles to sqlite database
How to use offline maps in RMaps, Locus Map or OruxMaps
How to download?
See the screenshot. It is very easy to use.
1, Select a Maps type from the left tree view. There are 2800+ maps types. You can goto here to see all tiles samples.
2, Enter a task name, such like "Mytask.umd". All task files are saved as *.umd.
If you want to continue an old task, click button "Open task... ".
3, Drag the trackbar to define the zoom level. The zoom level defines the image precision. For trial version, the max zoom level is 13, so you can not download high precision images.
4, There are 4 parameters (Left Longitude, Right Longitude, Top Latitude, Bottom Latitude) to define the area scope of images that you want to download.
Left Longitude: -180<=value<=180, for East, the value is positive, for West, the value is negative.
Right Longitude:-180<=value<=180, for East, the value is positive, for West, the value is negative.
Top Latitude:-85<=value<=85,for North, the value is positive, for South, the value is negative.
Bottom Latitude:-85<=value<=85,for North, the value is positive, for South, the value is negative.
For longitude and latitude, the input measurement is degree. You can convert the measurement of "Degrees, Minutes,Seconds" to "Degrees" by click menu "Tools->Convert 'Degrees,Minutes,Seconds' to 'Degrees'...".
Note: the really downloaded area will be extented a little than you inputed coordinates, to ensure that we get each whole tile.
5, Select a path to save the project and downloaded images
6, Then click button "Start", OK, start downloading now ... !
When downloading, the log window will display the downloading process. When finished, the log will be saved to a file.
Note: for some maps type, the button "Custom Parameters" will be enabled, you can click it to set parameters.
We also provide command line support. Click here to see how to start a task from command line.
How to download customized google maps?
Please click here to see more detail help about how to download customized google maps.
How to download customized bing maps?
Please click here to see more detail help about how to download customized bing maps.
How to download Cumtom Map Type
We provide a method to download Custom Map Type , to learn more please goto see:
How to download Custom Map Type
How to view downloaded maps?
You can view downloaded maps without combining them into one big BMP.
We provide a tool to view the images, you can run it from menu "Tools"->"Map Viewer".
Then open a task from menu "File"->"Open task..." to view the map.

After downloading, UMD will create a html file named as your_task_name_leaflet.html, you can open it with Chrome/Firefox/Edge:

How to combine small images into one big map?
After downloading, all small images are saved on your disk. Then you can combine them into one big image map.
We provide a tool : Combiner.exe. You can run it from menu "Tools"->"Map Combiner".

It can output BMP file with a bpw file, it can also create TIFF/JPG/PNG/SGI/IMG/KMZ/RST/PNM/PDF/MBTiles/GPKG file, and a map file for OziExplorer. You can convert it to other format by yourself using some image tools such like QGIS, PhotoShop, IrfanView 64, etc.
Some problems
1. Google Maps uses a protection mechanism to keep a good quality of service. If one makes too much requests, google maps will add its IP address to a blacklist, and you may see a message:
Google Error : 403 forbidden
If this happend, the downloader will show a messge in log window: May be your IP is banned by Google. Then you must wait for some time or change to another IP.
To avoid IP banned, you can try to set the downloader to pause some minutes.
Click menu "Misc"->"Options", the following window will be displayed: check the checkbox "Set pause to avoid IP banned.

2. For some area, there are not high precision images on google's server, so may be caused a 404 error when you try to download such images. If this happened, you need to set smaller zoom size to download. (For most areas, the max zoom level is 18)
3. Sometimes the program automatically closed suddenly, perhaps you installed cracked version, please uninstall it.
How to export tiles to sqlite database
Click menu->'Export to MBTiles database', then will show this window:

There are 3 types of db that you can choose.
And if you select MBtiles format, after exporting, you can view this .mbtiles file with MBTiles Viewer:

You can also use the mbtiles file in some Android or IOS Apps.
How to use offline maps in RMaps, Locus Map or OruxMaps?
After exporting all downloaded tiles into a sqlite database, then you can use the sqlite file in some Android apps, such like RMaps and OruxMaps.
For RMaps: When you finished exporting tiles to sqlite database with export type 'For RMaps or Locus Map', you will get a file: your_task_name.umd.sqlitedb, then copy it to your Android device, to your RMaps installed path, might be like '/sdcard/rmaps/maps/', then refresh your RMaps offline maps, you will see a new offline maps "your_task_name.umd.sqlitedb".
Note: when you view the offline maps in RMaps, you need to zoom it to your downloaded zoom level, otherwise, it will show blank maps.
For Locus Map: Same as RMaps, when you finished exporting tiles to sqlite database with export type 'For RMaps or Locus Map', you will get a file: your_task_name.umd.sqlitedb, then copy it to your Android device, to your Locus Maps installed path, might be like '/sdcard/Locus/maps/', then refresh your Locus offline maps, you will see a new offline maps "your_task_name.umd.sqlitedb".
For OruxMaps: When you finished exporting tiles to sqlite database with export type 'For Oruxmaps', you will get two files: your_task_name.umd.otrk2, your_task_name.umd.OruxMapsImages.db, you need to rename the your_task_name.umd.OruxMapsImages.db to OruxMapsImages.db, then on your Android device, in your OruxMaps installed path, might be like '/sdcard/oruxmaps/mapfiles/', create a new folder suchlike 'exmaple', then copy "OruxMapsImages.db" and "your_task_name.umd.otrk2.xml" to this folder, refresh your oruxmaps offline maps, you will see a new offline maps "your_task_name_umdmap".
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